Miami, FL, United States
Phone: +1 305-924-2080
Skype: alex727765
Yahoo: aalexander1088​

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +54 9 11 4974 5307
Skype: germanbosch

Over the last 30 years the global agriculture business has gone from an unorganized trade to a commoditized machine where buyers and sellers can source and deliver product to almost any destination in the world. While traders and commodity companies are focused on the development of an underlying market and getting in or out of positions, AG Commodities is there to provide a platform for traders to meet on an international stage through an independent third-party.

An extensive global reach and trusted relationships with many trading houses, AG Commodities, provides unparalleled experience and support in the global cash grain trade. Our organization aims to provide traders with essential market information needed to participate on an international scale and to bring the best counterpart and price in every market while maintaining confidentiality and respect to the trade.